Thursday, April 30, 2015

Keeping Up With the....Diet!

Sometimes sticking to your diet is the worst thing in the entire world. "My friends are eating pizza....why can't I eat it too?" or "Where do you want to go out to eat...or rather, where can YOU eat?" Those are some of the worst points of being a gluten free person. There are those who choose to be gluten free, which I never understood why. A cake is a cake whether it is gluten free or not. Your body needs gluten in its digestion; those who cannot have gluten just cannot break it down. For more information on that, you can read this:

For those of us who have to eat gluten free and did not choose it, it can be very difficult to stay on track of the diet. If you surround yourself with people who can eat gluten, you are bound to break your diet at least once in order to "fit in" with the crowd. Who wants to be the reason that you can't go to a certain restaurant?

But you need to know that you are not alone in this fight against gluten. There are many people out there who cannot eat regular foods and have to be persistant in their gluten free lives. You MUST stick to your diet or your body will feel horrible consequences. Don't eat gluten just to fit in; it will never work. You body was designed to stand out so embrace your gluten free body! You will fee so much better with yourself and your tummy will thank you.

Remember, you're not alone. Enjoy!


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